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Money Hat-Tip Personal Finance Podcast

Nov 29, 2018

In which Nick regales The Dear Listener with what a value proposition looks like. It has nothing to do with Essex or technical knowledge!


In this episode of what his mother calls the UK’s leading personal finance podcast, Nick also rambles on about:


  • The tribulations of moving;
  • Another batch of positive Money...

Nov 15, 2018

In which Nick regales The Dear Listener with an insight into the thought process that went behind his recent public speaking engagement!


In this episode of what his mother calls the UK’s leading personal finance podcast, Nick also rambles on about:


  • The London Hippodrome;
  • Watching England cricketer Matthew Hoggard...

Nov 1, 2018

In which Nick regales The Dear Listener with a scorchingly honest (what else?!) appraisal of the merits of gold as a place to store your wealth when things are looking rocky!


In this episode of what his mother calls the UK’s leading personal finance podcast, Nick also rambles on about:


  • Helicopters;
  • A benign...